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Bush's Buddy, Illegal Alien Murderer Jose Ernesto Medellin, To Be Executed Within Hours

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Jose Ernesto Medellin
Jose Ernesto Medellin,
Rapist and Murderer
Dirtball Jose Ernesto Medellin, an illegal alien murderer who participated in the gang rape, strangling and murder of two girls in Texas in 1993, is scheduled to be executed anytime between now and midnight.

I am not excited by this. I am happy he is facing justice and will be put to death, but it is an outrage that it has taken 15 years. Medellin confessed to the rapes and murders and to stomping on their necks. He was also found to have one of the girls Mickey Mouse watches in his possession.

Years later he tried to play the "poor illegal alien" card after going through trial and being convicted and sentenced to death with no defense of being a foreign national or requesting consulate help at the time. More than a decade later he comes out claiming he didn't receive help from the consulate which neither he, his attorney, nor family asked for. He was tried assuming he was an American citizen.

The World Court and President Bush have come down on the side of this vicious murdering thug. If there ever was any absolute doubt that President Bush cares more about Mexico than Americans this is the case.

The father of Jennifer Ertman, one of the murdered girls, was outraged that President Bush lied to him face to face.

Ertman shook Bush's hand when he was running for president, asking him if he remembered the girls and if he would keep their killers on death row. Bush said he would keep them on death row, Ertman said.

"He shook my hand and lied," Ertman said.

The Supreme Court ruled that Texas could go ahead with the execution in March, 2008.

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Posted by Digger on August 5, 2008 07:43 PM (Permalink)

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Death by lethal injection was too good for this scumbag. What they should have done was to place him naked in a cage full of lions and place an iron collar around his neck so the lions couldn't just bite him on the neck to suffocate him and cause him to black out. He should be fully awake when they rip open his body and start eating chunks of flesh out of him. Then afterward anything that wasn't eaten should be crushed into a meat paste by a steamroller and then fed to pigs. All of this should be videotaped and played for the other convicts on death row. Then the turds of the lions and pigs should be collected, packaged, and sent to his illegal alien parents after they are deported.

Posted by: Phil Miller on August 12, 2008 07:09 PM

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