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From The Mail Bag: Illegal Immigration And The Downfall Of America

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Reader Bill L. sends this great email that encompasses everything wrong with our current immigration policy. He doesn't pull any punches and it just goes to show you that citizens are mad as hell and just aren't going to take it anymore.

The full email from reader Bill L. (with light editing by yours truly):

We no longer have a government, by the people and for the people, but a government of the rich and powerful for the rich and the powerful!

The president is doing great harm to our country and risking thousand of American lives in an attempt to gain Latino votes and more importantly the money donated from grateful business that his policies provide with a unending supply of nearly slave labor subsidized by taxpayers! To this end he is putting his quest for money and votes above the law, the constitution and his oath to preserve and protect the American people. There was no excuse for our policy on illegal aliens prior to 9/11 but after 9/11 his policies that allow 100's of thousands of illegal aliens to pour across our open borders makes a lie out of his often professed concern with terrorism and protecting the American public. To me -- and I hope many other concerned Americans -- he should be impeached for dereliction of duty [See more on Pat Buchanan calling for the same thing at my entry here - Digger]! If we have innocent men, women, and children killed by terrorist that crossed our open borders their blood will be on his hands and other like-minded politicians. The next time they can't plead that they didn't know and weren't warned! They can't deny and put their spin doctors on TV to lie their way out of responsibility for the mutation and the tragic lost of life. So I hope they both will be held accountable when that happens and it will be noted thoughout history.

The politicians of both parties and the administration are once again proving their polices are designed to help the rich and powerful and the politicians at the expense of the middle class and poor American citizens of this country. In August it was reported another 1.1 million Americans slipped into poverty. Company after company is cutting or eliminating health benefits. State after State is cutting back on Medicaid and the federal government is cutting Medicare, this combination is condemning more millions of Americans citizens to premature death and untold suffering!

The policy on Illegal Aliens in this country is diverting billions of dollars from tax paying, law bidding, Americans who fought our wars and built this country. Just taking the very low end & vastly understated both in cost per and number here. Ten million here illegally at a cost of $7800.00 for each one equals $78,000,000,000. While this number is vastly understated it would still by rights and just plain human compassion should be spent on our own poor citizens.

Illegal aliens have no allegiance to this country and the only gratitude they have is political corruption in this country, which benefits them, unlike corruption in Latin America. Most are more knowledgeable and more dedicate to getting benefits from the American Government at all levels than American citizens.

Most of our public officials at all levels seem to have forgotten they were elected by American people to serve the American people and enforce our laws. They were not elected in Latin America to serve illegal aliens in this country. We have 45 million American without any health insurance and it is increasing daily. We cannot afford decent, timely medical care for our veterans and million of our old people cannot afford their required medicine and food and are forced to live on animal food and/or go hungry. We have millions of American children living in poverty without a chance at the American dream. We have hundreds of billions of dollars in deficit spending. In short, we have millions of American citizens in dire need of the necessities of life. When those needs are taken care of then & only then will our devious, self serving, corrupt, politicians pretending to be acting out of compassion, have extremely weak justification for spending billions of tax dollars on citizens from other countries here illegally! They have no possible justification when so many millions of Americans citizens have so little and need so much!

The real problem is that politicians spending our tax money on poor American citizens does not result in big donations from the special interest that are profiting from subsidized illegal labor.

The argument used by businesses -- and the politicians serving them -- are that we need millions of illegal aliens and a vast guest worker program to do the jobs that American won't take. This is greatly overstated! If Americans were paid a livable wage there would be law bidding, taxpaying, Americans citizens to fill most of those jobs. Most businesses could pay a livable wage, but as we have seen numerous times, many if not most, business and company officials have unlimited greed. Using near slave labor wherever possible, subsidized by the taxpayers, means more profits and bigger salaries to serve their greed. It also means more money available to donate to political parties and candidates. A good example of this is the construction business. Tens of thousands of American that were lower middle class have lost their jobs and/or slipped into poverty because they cannot compete with illegal aliens or must accept illegal aliens wages.

Has anyone noticed the price of homes declining? Should a businesses that must rely on illegal aliens, which are subsidized by taxpayers, to make a profit be in business? If so, then the South may really raise again on the backs of Latino slave labor subsidized by taxpayers!

While Americans are a compassionate and generous people, rewarding illegal behavior with billions of taxpayers dollars will only result in providing incentive for more illegal aliens to take advantage of our political corruption and misplaced compassion. Thereby creating a vicious circle with more illegal aliens here, more money required for them, more crime, more lowing of our living standards, and less money and less concern by politicians to service the very real needs of our own American citizens.

Recently the Democrat Governor of New Mexico was on national news explaining why he released funds to help patrol New Mexico borders because they were being over run with illegal aliens and crime. But on the same show he explained how compassionate he was to illegal aliens, providing driver license, tuition and medical benefits etc. Can anyone, be so oblivious to the obvious, that they do not realize rewarding illegal behavior begets more illegal behavior? If so, they must have been enrolled in the same school as our President to teach them remedial breathing! I am sure New Mexico has many Americans citizens sick and living in poverty that need help! The Governor could have used tax money to help citizens of his state and show what a fine compassionate man he is instead of giving it to foreigners here illegally! But he, like most politicians, have in fact, chosen to ignore the law and the despair and needs of the people that elected him. Rewarding illegal aliens for breaking our laws assures them of an unlimited supply for now and the future. This serves the needs of the special interests with illegal labor and lets politicians pick up fat checks donated from grateful businesses, and lets the taxpayers pick up the billions of dollars in cost for their benefits.

In just one place around Nogales, Ariz. more than 490,000 people were caught last year trying to enter the United States illegally. Only a small percentage crossing our borders are caught but of the 490,000 caught 7 out of every 50 or 14% had criminal records. That is only the ones caught with previous criminal records and we all know those records are incomplete! No doubt with complete records and the larger percentage of ones that have committed crimes but never been caught, the percentage would be much, much higher. The sheer number of illegal aliens here and using the understated 14% crime rate makes the cost to our country and the pain and suffering of their victims mind-boggling!

Many law enforcement officials' state that enforcing our laws and reporting illegal aliens will lessen cooperation from the illegal alien communities and make catching criminals harder. But the most vicious gangs that we have ever experienced, and that are spreading like wildfire across our states and our cities, are comprised primarily of illegal aliens [See more on the vicious gang known as Mara Salvatrucha ( better known as MS-13)- Digger] . Millions of American citizens living in our inner cities, including Latino-Americans, live in fear and imprison themselves in their homes because they are afraid to go out! Without millions of illegal aliens in this country there would be much less crime to worry about and less enforcement needed thereby saving billions of dollars in law enforcement costs alone!

Mexico has always been and remains a poor, weak, corrupt, hostile government on our border! Both the Government and most of the Mexican citizens have an intense dislike for the USA and our people. All you have to do to substantiate this is to visit the interior of Mexico, not Cancun and similar places where they are paid to pretend to like us. I think most would find they would be treated very badly by both officials of the Mexican government and by the Mexican people. In fact, if you escape with your life you will be lucky. If you escape with both your life and your money you are blessed!

Mexico's main exports are drugs, illegal aliens & corruption! The number one source of income for Mexico is money sent back by illegal workers in the USA [Not yet. Number one is petroleum, with "remittances" as they call them, just surpassing tourism last year as the number 2 source of income. They will probably surpass petroleum this year - Digger]. They have a unstated government policy to export their poverty to the USA thereby lessening the pressure to clean up the government corruption so they could provide a decent standard of living for their people.

Our governments failure to control our borders or take action to export illegal aliens already here has resulted in millions of illegal aliens in this country and is risking thousands if not millions of American lives to terrorism, corrupting of our politicians, increasing poverty, convincing many citizens that we are not an nation of laws, costing tax payer billions of dollars, and robbing our own citizens of needed benefits. In time it will turn this country into a third world country like Latin American.

We have millions of Latino-American citizens and our government's policy on illegal aliens and the billions of dollars spent on benefits for illegal aliens are hurting them the same as all Americans. We also have thousands of Latino-Americans citizens serving this country in Iraq and around the world, putting their lives on the line each and every day for this country and our people and our way of life. Each and every one of those Latino-Americans citizens are better Americans than most and worth much more then the self serving elected officials in this country that are subservient only to the special interests of the rich and powerful!

The one politician, John McCain, whom many thought and hoped was different and would put duty, honor, country, and the rule of law above, politics, party, and the special interests, has now apparently given up and sold out to the special interests as well! It is especially difficult to acknowledge what happened to John McCain after his prior service to this country in Vietnam. But he has finally realized the First Rule of every successful politician in the USA. They must never put either their Country -- or American citizen's interests -- above or before their own interests and their political future. Of course, as expressed by the politicians, there is not enough money for everything and that they must make the tough choices. That is what they were elected to do. What Mr. McCain and other politicians have chosen to do is put their political interests, and the interests of millions of illegal aliens here, above our laws and above the interests and welfare of the greater number of poor American citizens. These citizens desperately need the billions of dollars in benefits that is currently being provided to citizens of other countries here illegally!

I would urge all American citizens to immediately take one of the two following actions:

1. For all those citizens who think our illegal alien's policy is a fine, fair, just, compassion policy, then contact your state and other elected officials and demand the same laws be passed for American citizens. For American citizens that attempt to cross a state border and are caught, then they should be treated humanly, served refreshments and transported back to their home state at government expense. For the ones that successfully make it 20 miles across a state border then they should be met by local officials, congratulated, and given a yearly bonus by the government of at least $7800.00 dollars. Furthermore, no state shall be allowed to provide more than 25% of the resources required to monitor and control their borders.

2. For the American citizens who think our illegal alien policy is totally insane and supported by corrupt, self serving politicians subservient to the special interests, then contact your State officials and demand that we immediately close our borders to illegal aliens and terrorists. Demand there be no rewards of tax money or benefits be spent on illegal aliens breaking our laws. Give the millions of illegal aliens in this country 180 days to leave with their possessions. The ones remaining here after the allotted time will be rounded up and will forfeit their possessions to offset the expenses of apprehending them and sending them back to their home countries.

To contact your representative and speak out against illegal immigration -- for free -- I urge you to use the NumbersUSA free fax service.

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Posted by Digger on September 7, 2005 01:18 AM (Permalink)

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Posted by: yvette on September 20, 2005 11:31 AM

Bravo, bravo,bravo Bill L.!...couldnt have said it better myself! We cant piss off the Mexican government because we need their oil...if these loosers want to come to this country I say this is the way to handle it. When you are caught, either at the border or rounded up later, you will be sent to a U.S. military camp to be inducted into the U. S. Army. After training, you will be sent to Iraq , Afganistan or any other foreign conflict Bush has started and you will serve one year on the front lines fighting for this country!. If and when you make it back, then yu will be allowed to stay LEGALLY and work and pay your dues like everyone else here!. You want to live here and take advantage of making a better life then the one you had in your Mexico slum? Then goddamn it, FIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY AND SHOW HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO STAY!.You like it here, then be prepared to fight for your right to stay or GO THE HELL HOME! E. Leicht, Baltimore, Md.

Posted by: Ed Leicht on May 31, 2006 06:40 AM

Also see these other great immigration resources

The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration
The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration

A 28 part detailed report on the negative impacts of illegal immigration.
Immigration Stance
Immigration Stance

Find out how your members of Congress voted on immigration issues.

The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration
Read the free 28 part report The Dark Side of
Illegal Immigration

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and statistics.

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