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Latinos Not Protected In US - PRLDEF Files Petition With Organization Of American States - NAU

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The Puerto Rican Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF) under it's LatinoJustice banner has filed a petition with the Organization of American States (OAS) claiming that Latinos are not protected in the United States. In fact the petition states outright that local law enforcement working with the Department of Homeland Security through its 287(g) training is actively encouraging attacks on Latinos without impunity.

For those who don't know what the OAS is, please have a read of this piece by CJ Scott entitled The Demise of Our Unique American Identity wherein she delves into the formation of the OAS and how it points to being the judicial arm of an overall North American Union. This petition was filed with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights arm of the OAS. Most who read me know that I do not fully buy into the whole NAU conspiracy, but with organizations being formed like the OAS and entities within it being dubbed inter-American you really have to start wondering.

The audacity of PRLDEF to file this "petition" with this illegitimate body speaks to their holier than thou attitude that Latinos should receive special protected status in the United States beyond those of normal Americans. The petition does not distinguish between Americans of Latino decent, legal residents who are Latino or illegal aliens who are Latino. It simply states that all Latinos should receive this status and that when Latinos break the law they should be treated with kid gloves.

This is an absolute outrage to our country which has a very diverse population and all Americans should stand up and demand that these race baiting groups be laid to rest on the trashheap of other failed single race, single-ethnicity based groups that demand preferential treatment.

NY Times

A civil rights legal advocacy group, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, filed an unusual international petition Thursday accusing the United States of failing to adequately protect Latinos living within its borders, regardless of citizenship.

The claim was filed with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, an organ of the Organization of American States, of which the United States is a founding member. It charges that the United States is failing to live up to the group’s declaration on human rights, the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man.

It cites violence against Latinos, including the murders over the past five months of three immigrants: José Sucuzhañay in Brooklyn last week, Marcelo Lucero in the Long Island town of Patchogue on Nov. 8, and Luis Ramirez in Shenandoah, Pa., on July 14. In all three cases, prosecutors say the assailants used anti-Latino slurs. Hate-crime attacks on Latinos rose 40 percent between 2003 and 2007, the petition says, citing the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The complaint also cites the rising use of agreements that allow local communities to deputize their police forces to carry out immigration law. ... The group argues that deputization leads the police to treat all Latinos as suspects of immigration violations, engenders mistrust of the police among Latinos, divides communities and promotes a belief that Latinos can be attacked with impunity. The complaint notes that such an ordinance was adopted in Shenandoah and was under consideration in Suffolk County, where Patchogue is situated.

It is simply outrageous that we have these divisive groups in our United States of America that are not taken to task by the population as a whole. All Americans deserve equal treatment under the law regardless of race. But we have groups in this country who don't see it that way and will go outside of our country to try and have our laws here changed for their race or ethnicities benefit.

Tipped by: Too many concerned Americans and readers to list. Thanks to you all.

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Posted by Digger on December 22, 2008 03:13 PM (Permalink)

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Not Protected? American's, (Far Left Loons) protect the "Spotted Freak Frog", The Barking Tree Spider, the "Wrinkle Necked Trouser Trout", and the San Francisco Butt Pirate", but not the Latino? Well, you can always move back to your Paradise of a Country, from whince you came..............

Posted by: Jack D. Ripper on December 25, 2008 12:05 PM

"The group argues that deputization leads the police to treat all Latinos as suspects of immigration violations, engenders mistrust of the police among Latinos, divides communities and promotes a belief that Latinos can be attacked with impunity."

I actually agree with this statement; however, what is left out is that American latinos are harboring illegals, putting their race ahead of their country. This causes a legitimate backlash.

Posted by: Kenneth E. Pope on January 9, 2009 09:47 AM

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