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Bill Heads To CA Senate That Bans State And Local Government From Using E-Verify [AB 2076]

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While those in support of illegal aliens have railed on and on that it is a federal issue, there are those pro-illegal alien supporters who would prevent the federal government from doing their jobs. I know this is shocking news.

Felipe Fuentes
People like California Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes (D-Sylmar) who has introduced - and had passed in the California Assembly - a bill that preemptively counters any bill that would make company use of E-Verify mandatory. E-Verify is formerly known as the Basic Pilot Program and checks the legal eligibility of someone applying for a job to work in this country. The only ones who need to worry about being rejected by E-Verify are illegal aliens.

The bill, which passed by a 43-31 vote, is AB 2076 (Latest copy here) which amends the California Labor Code to forbid use of the E-Verify system.

In the bill it states that

This bill would prohibit the State of California from participating in any electronic employment verification system, as defined, unless required by federal law. The bill would also prohibit a city, county, city and county, or special district from requiring any employer to use an electronic employment verification system.

It also makes the laughable assertion that employers in California are actually doing their job in not hiring illegals. Laughable because it is the main magnet that is drawing illegal aliens into California. Also laughable because the current system of verifying employee work eligibility is obviously severely broken. This is something not lost on people like Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, who want the current broken system to continue.

Currently, a system of state and federal laws outline the procedures employers must use to comply with immigration and labor laws, and most employers practice due diligence in complying with these laws.

Obviously not enough of them.

On top of this bill which forbids California state and local governments from using E-Verify, they also want to highly discourage any business in California from using the E-Verify system voluntarily. Contrary to what is noted below the actual error rate in E-Verify is minuscule and those legit workers who encountered an error were able to clear things up with a matter of a day or two. Legitimate errors included people not completing their name change information after marrying and people who have just gained citizenship and slacked on finishing up their necessary paperwork.

While recognizing that participation in the federal electronic employment verification system, E-Verify, is voluntary, the State of California discourages employers from participating in any electronic employment verification system, unless required by federal law, due to concerns with federal database error rates and the discriminatory impact of the system.

Once again pro-illegal forces in our state governments are trying to undermine not only their taxpayers, but US taxpayers who are providing funds for education and infrastructure maintenance that is being overrun due to overpopulation.

California residents need to take action on this bill! You can do so by contacting your State Senator right now by going to this CapWiz page and getting their contact information and telling them to vote NO on AB 2076. Do it now!

Tipped by: We Hate Gringos

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Posted by Digger on June 17, 2008 05:42 AM (Permalink)

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Gee, what a coincidence. It seems those of Hispanic descent keep filing these bills. We have the same problem in Florida with the Cubans in the State House who chose to ignore good illegal immigration bills, conspiring before the session even started to NOT allow the bills to even be voted on because they knew they'd be passed! We must research those we are voting into office. Too many people rely on soundbites and the liberal media to determine who'll they'll vote for and that's lazy and irresponsible. We're getting what we deserve as a nation for being so apathetic...

Posted by: April on June 18, 2008 06:12 PM

Fuentes did this because The SAVE Act just might be passed soon. Only 30 more signatures are needed to FORCE A VOTE on the bill! Check out: www.numbersusa.com and search SAVE Act and see if your elected officials have signed the "discharge petition for The SAVE Act" Even if they have it's still a good idea to call them and ask them to support this bill and you want to see it voted on asap. Call toll free: 1-800-828-0498 We must get this bill passed before the general election as both Juan McCain and Obama support amnesty for illegals!
Fuentes is a traitor and should be voted out of office. How anyone can aid and abet ILLEGAL ALIENS in the name of the "law" and still remain in office is beyond comprehension. Please get involved and encourage others to as well or there will be no turning back...

Posted by: April on June 18, 2008 06:17 PM

"...the discriminatory impact of the system..."? The only ones discriminated against are illegal aliens.

Look, this has gone on far enough. Those who feign that they support immigration laws then actively undermine such laws are only fooling the very stupid or apathetic. Where are the authorities to shut down such people?

Posted by: ken pope on June 23, 2008 09:00 AM

Also see these other great immigration resources

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Immigration Stance
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