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Listening In On The Enemies Of True Immigration Reform

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One thing that those who want illegal immigration stopped often do is ignore the supporters of illegal aliens. We sit around and listen to those of us with like views and never take a look at what the other side is doing unless they're marching through our streets in the millions flying foreign flags on our soil demanding rights.

So let's take a look at what they're saying amongst themselves about the elections, legislation and us. Of course I don't need to remind you that this is all in regards to foreign people who have broken into our country illegally and are now thinking that we should just give them our country and all the things we enjoy about it for free.

It's written by Former Arizona state senator Alfredo Gutierrez.

OK let's listen in. Shhhhh

The American Immigration Law Foundation

I do a daily radio talk show on Radio Campesina in Phoenix and, clearly, since the November elections callers are once more allowing themselves to dream of the day their hard, hidden existence comes to an end. Their dreams are tentative and cautious, but nonetheless hope has been resurrected. Yet in Arizona hope is interspersed with anger. [Four immigration bills passed] .... Delay in passing comprehensive immigration reform, or at the very least the DREAM Act (which would provide a path to lawful permanent residence for hundreds of thousands of undocumented high-school graduates), will have immediate and tragic consequences for thousands of Latino kids in Arizona.

Arizona may be the very tip of the arrow of anti-immigrant racism and hostility, but unfortunately for America, the excesses of hatred are no longer limited to the desert. Hate is contagious. There are legalistic attempts to marginalize, exclude, fire, fine, jail, and deport undocumented workers throughout the United States.

It's funny how the whole country is racist and hate filled because we want to "marginalize, exclude, fire, fine, jail, and deport undocumented workers"

OK back to the "story"

[HR 4437] introduced by Representative F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. and passed by the House of Representatives last year, was perhaps the most odious piece of legislation since the Japanese Internment Act. If the House of Representatives could debase itself to such depths, then it should be no surprise that many states, cities, and counties would take license and act accordingly. The onslaught seemed unstoppable…until November 7th. The Democratic majority in Congress now has in its hands the dreams of millions. Dreams are made of fragile stuff. Ignored or left unrealized, they can easily transmogrify into desperation and anger. A dream betrayed can crush a child, a family, indeed a whole people.

Yes, the Democrats hold the dreams of illegal aliens in their hands... not the American people's, whom they were elected to serve.

The heat of the debate on immigration reform has compelled each side to adopt euphemisms that lead to imprecision and confusion. Words are code to be deciphered by the protagonists. Thus those opposed to further immigration define “earned citizenship” or a “pathway to citizenship” as “amnesty.” “Attrition,” on the other hand, I construe to mean mass deportations.

*Psst hey former senator Alfredo Gutierrez, "attrition" actually means making illegal aliens self deport*

Now that our allies are in the majority, let us demand clarity. Immigrants deserve to understand precisely their fate under the contemplated reforms. The immigration-reform lobby in Washington has a special responsibility to communicate with those affected. The Latino community knows what it wants: for undocumented immigrants to be legalized with a path to citizenship. And it wants it now. Families were prepared to meet the rigors of the Kennedy-McCain bill. They are prepared to sacrifice if ultimately justice prevails.

Justice prevails? Oooops *whispering* Justice prevails? Making all the illegal aliens citizens is justice according to the other side.

The responsibility of the Washington lobby for immigration reform is to do everything possible to make that dream come true. One hopes that peripheral issues can be set aside for another day. One such issue is the proposal for a new guest worker program. This proposal is highly controversial in certain circles. Mostly Chicano circles. But immigrant families view the debate as peripheral to their immediate needs. There is little or no objection to such a program. The U.S.-Mexico border wall recently approved by Congress is another such issue. Yes, I believe most of us find the proposal to be offensive. I also believe most Mexican immigrant families are realistic about conditions in Mexico: [Mexico president is illegitimate, things suck, gangs are roaming, rich people there don't care] There is an acceptance by most immigrant families that conditions will worsen and the northern Diaspora will reach historic heights. The U.S. public’s response will be to demand greater border security, a call which will only become louder and increasingly bipartisan. Whether it’s done with walls, soldiers, or sensors, increased vigilance at the border is inevitable.

See, they know they're in the wrong and the American people have a right to defend their country. That's why they see their only hope as manipulating our lawmakers into granting them legality.

As the election campaigns came to a close, Democratic ads across the country took a surprising turn: they too began to bash immigrants. The ads focused on two specific points: first, that the candidate would “lead the fight against amnesty” and, second, that the candidate abhorred the idea that “illegals” have abused the Social Security system. The first claim I pray is merely code speak which, once deciphered, means that the candidate is for “earned citizenship.” The second is more troublesome because virtually every undocumented person in America has gamed the Social Security system. They have also contributed billions of dollars in Social Security taxes without a thought of ever withdrawing a cent. I believe they will accept foregoing contributions made under false Social Security numbers. What cannot be accepted is if the use of false numbers becomes a barrier to status adjustment.

Even the Dems realized that with the majority of Americans actually wanting America to still exist and its laws to be enforced they had to tell them that they too wanted that. Now whether that was a bunch of hogwash and a trick of the words as he says above, meaning against "amnesty", but for "earned citizenship" (in other words pay a fine and present some forged docs that you've been in the country for a few years) I'm not sure.

At least he doesn't try to outright lie about the identity theft issue that "every illegal alien has used to game the system". That's right, even though they'll try and deny it now every illegal alien is guilty of felony identity fraud.

For a moment in April, [with the marches], hope flowered in our community. Then the words and the deeds of Representatives Tom DeLay and Dennis Hastert, of Sensenbrenner, J.D. Hayworth, Steve King, Mike Pence, Robert Ney, and dozens more Republican congressmen (who in some cases were consumed with hate and in others simply saw political advantage), trounced upon the dreams of the weakest among us. But they could not kill hope. The SEIU (Service Employees International Union), and SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina, were the most important forces both in organizing the marches in April and in subsequently mobilizing the United Farm Workers, the United Food and Commercial Workers, and hundreds of local organizations across the United States to get out the vote for the November elections. Their success can be measured in numbers, but it can also be felt in the voices of the callers each time we open up the phones. Despair and cynicism are giving way. That grand coalition in favor of immigration reform should be consulted when constructing a final package of laws. This is a case where those on the ground and on roofs, and in the furrows and in kitchens, and laundries, know better than those in the offices of the Washington immigration-reform lobby.

All opponents to giving citizenship to illegal foreign invaders are filled with hate.

We'll be watching the groups mentioned above this year. If we see the Dems consulting with these groups over immigration reform you'll know what it means, mass amnesty.

And one last thought: Democrats, based on polling and the wisdom of the entrenched political consulting class in Washington, unleashed those immigrant-bashing ads in the last few weeks of the campaign. The same pollsters and consultants may now advise Congress against the interests of our community. Were the democratic majority to ignore, delay, or pervert immigration reform, the consequences would be devastating for the party. 2008 would be a year of reckoning.

OK, he's gone now. We can speak up again.

So at the end he threatens the Democrats in 2008 eh? Well who are they going to vote for then, the "hate filled" Republicans? Hahaha.

That last threat cracks me up.

The reality is that if the Democrats actually put in place tough immigration measures, you can bet your bibby they would gain a ton of votes from the center right and Independents. Do you really think they'll lose the Hispanic vote? No way, the reality is that more than half of the Hispanic voters are in favor of immigration reforms including enforcement. Hell, 47% (of racist according to him) Hispanics voted for the tough Arizona Proposition 200 a few years ago.

During the 2006 elections, "guessers" (known as exit pollers to some) say that Democrats garnered 70% of the Hispanic vote and Republicans went from having somewhere in the 40's% down to 30% support from Hispanics. I think a lot of this had more to do with other issues like Iraq than it did with immigration reform.

Going by those numbers Democrats would likely only lose 10% of the Hispanic vote at the most, but would gain a tremendous amount of votes from the other 85% of this country. That's right, if you figure along demographic percentages of the country, 15% of the voters are Hispanic. that means that if they lose 10% of the 15% of voters, that's only 1.5% of the total vote.

So there's your threat Democrats, legalize all illegal aliens or you could lose 1.5% of the total vote, but gain a good 10-15% of the rest of the countrys votes.

What a joke this whole issue is when you look at it from their perspective. They have nothing to stand on. They're illegal, they can't vote, they have no threats and all they do is damage to our country. And apparently someone is actually paying this Alfredo Gutierrez to spew his nonsensical crap not only on the written page, but out loud on the air too.

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Posted by Digger on December 26, 2006 11:36 AM (Permalink)

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