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Somebody Put A Bullet In My Head My Kids Are Having A Slumber Party

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There's not much worse in this world for a guy than 4 giggling girls living in your house for a night (unless of course it's 5, 6, 7 or heaven help you 8!?!? giggling girls). After enduring the unendurable giggling in the car on the way home from picking these overly giggling girls up (all the way secretly cursing myself for allowing this travesty to occur). You then have to make the giggling food for the giggling girls Soon everything is giggling. There's giggling on the TV, giggling coming out of the computer, giggling when the fridge opens and you know you've really lost it when you look in the mirror and your image is giggling at you.

Ahh sleep, NOT! You will get no sleep. If you do happen to doze off your kids will come into the bedroom to announce something of utter importance (like they just saw some stupid boy on TV who is the latest "wallpaper your walls" fad). You'll hear giggling in your dreams. When you wake up you'll curse your wife for buying that karaoke thing with the microphones that you told her not to buy as wails and screaming that sounds worse than death itself emit from the speakers. You'll then get up and eat some giggling Count Chocula while you watch "Face The Nation" and swear that Condoleeza Rice is giggling about the latest UN sanctions on North Korea as girls surround the computer giggling about the Tomagotchi website.

Only 1 hour 48 minutes and 10 second until I can end this charade. Dad had secretly put in a "must return giggling child by 2PM clause" with the other parents.




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Posted by Digger on October 15, 2006 12:18 PM (Permalink)

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There is no way that it should be called a "slumber party"

I raised FOUR daughters, dig. With slumber parties ranging from a handful to a livingroom full.

But wait until you get to chaperon co-ed parties when she's in high school! I want to hear THOSE stories, too!!!


Posted by: Darleen on October 16, 2006 01:00 AM

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