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It's Flag Day And American Patriots At Geno's Steaks Are Now Being Sued

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You know it's a bit ironic that some communist organization like the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations would sue a cheesesteak restaurant that simply wants people to order in English on flag day.

Obviously this Human Rights group doesn't want people to learn English and wants there to be a split in this country between those who refuse to learn basic English and those who know English. In other words they want us to be Canada, with the constant bickering over two languages that divide a nation only they want it to be on a grander scale with all of the immigrants in this nation to be able to go into any store anywhere and be expected to be served exactly what they want no matter what language they speak. Next they'll be demanding that all signs and menus be in multiple languages because some might feel left out by not being able to read them.

Geno's is not some United Nations with hundreds of translators on staff and for them to simply post a sign to order in English should be their right to free speech and -- as a private business -- their right to not serve someone.

Philadelphia Inquirer

The city's Commission on Human Relations yesterday filed a discrimination complaint against Geno's Steaks over signs that read: "This is AMERICA ... WHEN ORDERING SPEAK ENGLISH."


Reached at his home yesterday evening, the Rev. James S. Allen Sr., commission chairman, said it was incumbent on the commission to get the sign removed.

"We think it is discriminatory, and we are concerned about the image of Philadelphia," he said.

According to the complaint, which was served on Geno's yesterday afternoon, the restaurant is in violation of two sections of the city's antidiscrimination laws: denying service to someone because of his or her national origin, and having printed material making certain groups of people feel their patronage is unwelcome.


"The issue is not whether anyone has been denied service, but that such a sign discourages people from coming asking for service," he said.


Allen said the complaint begins a legal process that could subject Geno's to sanctions if the sign is not removed. It was not immediately clear how severe a penalty Geno's could be subject to if the complaint is found to be valid and an order to remove the sign is ignored. Rachel Lawton, acting executive director of the commission, did not return repeated calls seeking clarification and comment.


City Councilman Jim Kenney said it was time for Vento to back down. He asked the cheesesteak wiz to take down the sign before the matter escalated.

"I asked for consideration, and the consideration was rebuffed," Kenney said yesterday. "I just think it's mean-spirited and divisive, and it's not good for the city's image."

It really doesn't matter what these "councilmebers" think, it matters what a private business owners rights are. Try getting into a club with a velvet rope in Beverley Hills on a weekend. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. This lawsuit is simply wrong.

Geno's is not saying "no immigrants allowed" he is saying "speak in a language I can understand when ordering". They are two separate issues and this council is just bowing to the pressures of illegal aliens and the groups in the city that support them.

The fact that an American citizens rights can be trampled all over by people who are not even supposed to be here is absolutely screwed and every American should be getting behind Geno's on this one.

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Posted by Digger on June 14, 2006 02:53 PM (Permalink)

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Good luck with that suit. What a bunch of Asshats. BTW - Flag prominently displayed today!

Posted by: The Fastest Squirrel on June 14, 2006 09:03 PM

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