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AFL-CIO Throws Older White Male Members Under The Bus In Favor Of 'Diversity'

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The heavily pro-illegal alien union known as the AFL-CIO has made its views on the future clear and that future does not include older white males. Current older white males in the union take heed, because you're being put in the back of the bus and put out to pasture. You think the union will be looking out for you first, then think again.

At the AFL-CIO National Summit on Diversity, Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka said they would be seeking out "the leaders of tomorrow". Who are these leaders? Who are the ones that will be picked first for getting jobs and positions in the union? Only young workers, people of color, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers. By stating such, the AFL-CIO makes their position clear, that these types of people work harder and better than the others.

For males, they will only be looked on favorably by the union if they are either, young, gay, bisexual or "of color". If you are a male and straight, you better be "of color" or "young" because the AFL-CIO doesn't need any of you slovenly others around. One wonders who is going to be deciding who is "young".

Of course by "people of color" we know what the union is truly saying. They are saying that they will pursue signing up illegal aliens with a vengeance. They already do so vigorously, but I wonder why they would focus so much harder on the gay and bisexual community rather than the straight community that has a much larger pool of people.

If an organization is pushing specifically for diversity, you can be assured of two things:

  1. That they are a corrupt organization

  2. That they are looking to take advantage of those they do sign up

Legitimate organization grow diverse through their hiring of competent people, not through making a quota system of hiring those less qualified in order to look like they are legitimately diverse. False diversity is racism, agism or sexism.

The one happy note in all of this is that if we can stop them from signing up illegal aliens then they will fall apart. There simply are not enough "gays" to fill in the membership of this corrupt organization.

Source: http://blog.aflcio.org/2009/09/13/trumka-afl-cio-strongly-committed-to-diversity/

... the new leadership of the AFL-CIO is committed to working harder to reach out to young workers, people of color, women and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka said today at the AFL-CIO National Summit on Diversity. Trumka told the more than 500 participants the federation’s commitment to diversity is on its way to becoming a reality:

"I’m here to tell you that we must change. That is why we’re seeking out and encouraging young people, people of color, people of all backgrounds and beliefs and sexual orientation. These are the labor leaders of tomorrow."

Trumka pledged the AFL-CIO will recommit to embracing diversity at every level.

Tipped by: John Buck

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Posted by Digger on September 15, 2009 01:55 AM (Permalink)

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Thanks so much for posting this,since the late90's our Union leaders have been selling it's citizen members down the river in order to cover up a miriad of failings at the top.This treasonous approach is not only anti-American but is absolutely in contrast to the original conception of American Unions,working WITHIN the perameters of capitalism,and the vision og Union leaders such as Samuel Gompers,Cesar Chavez and George Meaney.Please ask your representitives for an investigation into the financial dealings these leaders REFUSE to fully disclose to it's dues paying members, and help us to stand agaist their replacement of the American worker with a cheaper ,illegal and more manageable substitute. John Buck American Federation of Citizen Union Workers P.A.C. ps I can be found on facebook

Posted by: John Buck on September 15, 2009 03:34 AM

It looks like a young, lesbian, minority illegal alien has the inside track; of course, young, lesbian, minority illegal aliens have proven their superiority as workers. Kind of like Sonia Sotomayor...

Posted by: Kenneth E. Pope on September 16, 2009 04:30 PM

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