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Spanish Only School Suggested By NC Superintendent

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North Carolina superintendent Peter Gorman thinks that it's just too hard to teach school in English anymore. He suggests that since the school district is flooded with Hispanic children that they should just swicth to an all Spanish school. This will help preserve Hispanic culture they say. Not satisfied with just having a Hispanic "immersion program" from K-5 Gorman wants it extended as far as 8th grade.

This here in these United States of America.


Superintendent Peter Gorman pitched his proposal to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school board today ... Nora Carr, chief communications officer for Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District, told WND the facility will help to preserve Hispanic culture.

"We find that a lot of kids who go there have parents who might be English-speaking immigrants, and they might be very successful," she said. "They fear that their kids might be losing some of the culture or not getting the fluency in the language because they speak English at home."

Carr said one of the top executives with AT&T is Hispanic and sends his children to the school.

"Obviously they are very fluent, well-educated in English, legal citizens," she said. "They're sending their kids there because they want them to have exposure to their native language."

They were born in the United States presumably, therefore their "native language" is English.

Collinswood Dual Language Academy already provides a K-5 "language immersion program." The school began with a total Spanish curriculum. According to a brochure to promote the Spanish services, "In this dual language program, kindergarteners spend 85% of the instructional day learning the curriculum in Spanish and 15% of the day learning in English."

All on your tax dollars folks.

It's funny when people take a foreign language in most English speaking schools you speak that language from the time you enter the class until you leave that class period. It helps you learn the language. However in this bizarre world in North Carolina they seem to think the best way for the students to learn English is to speak and read Spanish 100% of the time.

Of course that is not their goal, it is to make sure people don't assimilate like previous immigrants who then went on to make this country great.

Tipped by: Dustin Inman Society

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Posted by Digger on July 1, 2008 03:32 PM (Permalink)

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I have sent an email to the superintendent suggesting the citizenship papers of these parents be checked and rather than a spanish language school all illegal aliens be deported, in all probability greatly reducing or eliminating the need for such a school.

Posted by: ken pope on July 2, 2008 10:02 AM

This is absurd, How can the superintendent suggest this? I know he is speaking to the frustrations of the teachers but come on. This catering is sowing the seeds of division and disharmony far into the future. Our country is on the verge of financial collapse and propositions like this, although well intentioned , scare the bejessus out of me. This is America, an English speaking nation. I know this comment is irrelevant but would Mexico cater to 12 million of our citizens if we fled "south", Would they( Mexico) set up English schools to nurture the new arrivals? I am scared for our country!

Posted by: Jerry Crain on April 8, 2011 11:45 AM

Who are you people? Why on earth are you saying things you know nothing about? If this school is so bad, then why are their test scores so amazing (in English, math, etc)? Students enter this school by lottery, and the school is has a diverse student body, it is not just latino. The assistant principal is as white as can be and chooses to send his child there because it is such a great school. Why do you make these crazy allegations?

Posted by: Elena Brown on May 10, 2012 09:11 PM

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