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McClintObama Amnesty Plan: 20 million illegal alien voters by 2010

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McClintObama Amnesty Plan: 20 million illegal alien voters by 2010

By William Gheen of ALIPAC

Have GOP Voters forgotten that just a few months ago, John McCain stood hand-in-hand with liberal icon Ted Kennedy pushing for the largest amnesty for illegal aliens in American history? ...

The angry calls rolling into the Senate offices, including John McCain's, were between 50 and 100 to 1 against McCain and Kennedy's bill. We know this because we stood outside his door counting calls received by his staff and because other Senators told us the ratios they were receiving. ...

John McCain refused to listen to Americans and went so far as to call members of the Senate who refused to support the McKennedy Amnesty "Racists"! John McCain showed no regard for American voices and instead called those who disagreed with him petty names. Who was John McCain listening to? He was listening to the US Chamber of Commerce and the racist illegal alien support groups like La Raza (The Race) whom he openly coordinated the effort with.

John McCain has illustrated in dramatic fashion that when he feels safe in his office, he couldn't care less about what a majority of Americans think.


John McCain supports Amnesty. If you have any doubts, then ask yourself why his campaign has deployed open borders fanatic, Juan Hernandez to secure the Hispanic vote for McCain.

Kick McCain to the curb. And while you're at it realize that Obama and Clinton are just as bad.

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Posted by Digger on February 4, 2008 08:55 PM (Permalink)

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What a sad day for American conservatives, real ones that is. To all the people who voted for Sen. John AMNESTY McCain and Gov. Tax Hike Mike Huckabee, what were you thinking?!? These men both have very LIBERAL voting records if you would do the research on them vs. listening to media pundits pushing these clowns, you'd know that! Gov. Mitt Romney is the ONLY GOP candidate who will stand against AMNESTY and giving ILLEGALS any kind of benefits! He did it as my governor of MA and I know he'll do it as President! And to the Paul supporters, shame on you -- colluding with the Huckabee camp in W. VA to give your votes to the Huckster, just to screw Romney out of a win, which he was sure to win had there not been COLLUSION and dirty politics being played out. Romney has a long haul, but it ain't over yet people. If you want a REAL CONSERVATIVE: FISCAL, SOCIAL AND FOREIGN POLICY, vote ROMNEY! The Republican party should not be so divided at this point and the reason it is is because McCain and Huckabee are NOT CONSERVATIVES! They will never get my vote. By default, you people who keep voting for McCain, Huckabee and Paul are going to usher Hillary or Obama into the WH. Is it worth it to stand on your "principles" vs. voting REALITY?!?

Posted by: April on February 6, 2008 10:58 AM

"And to the Paul supporters, shame on you -- colluding with the Huckabee camp in W. VA to give your votes to the Huckster, just to screw Romney out of a win"

With all due respect, I am a Paul supporter; what are you referring to? If I supported the Huckster I would have voted for him.

People keep saying Ron Paul is a nutjob, but conforming the constitution to fit the bible is pretty whacky.

Posted by: ken pope on February 6, 2008 09:53 PM

Don't vote McCain or Mitt Romney. Mitt thought that he can buy a route to the white house but he learned his lesson. He was a terrible governor. Vote for Barack Obama. He is the only one who can unite our country.

Posted by: Gil on February 8, 2008 11:32 PM

Don't vote McCain or Mitt Romney. Mitt thought that he can buy a route to the white house but he learned his lesson. He was a terrible governor. Vote for Barack Obama. He is the only one who can unite our country.

Posted by: Gil on February 8, 2008 11:34 PM

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