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Save Our State And Minuteman Rally At Capistrano Beach With Jim Gilchrist And Joe Loya

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Save Our State Capistrano Beach Rally

Save Our State and the Minuteman Project took to the streets in Capistrano Beach, California Saturday May 19, 2007. The rally went well and included Jim Gilchrist of the Minuteman Project and Joe Loya, father in law of Ignacio Ramos. They were protesting the day labor site, for secure borders, no amnesty and for the freedom of border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

Save Our State Capistrano Beach Rally
Lake Forest Minutemen brought a giant American flag
a flag that had flown at the Campo Minutemen site on the border

Opposition was low with a few nutty people spewing all kinds of conspiracy theories that the Minutemen were kidnapping illegal aliens and that the patriots were racists.

Save Our State Capistrano Beach Rally

They effectively shut down the day labor site for the day with very few employers showing up to pick up illegal aliens as they stood directly under a no trespassing sign. Business owners in the area have repeatedly complained about the illegal aliens hanging out in front of their businesses, but nothing seems to be done about it.

Day Labor Site Closed by Minutemen Day Laborers
illegal alien day laborers stand around below a no trespassing/loitering sign

Since January 2007, the Minuteman Project and Ramos/Compean supporters have staged Free Ramos & Compean rallies every third Saturday - this was the sixth rally - nationwide protests are staged every Saturday: Schedule at American Freedom Riders

James Gilchrist
Reports say that none of the illegal aliens were arrested by the police and that police in the area seemed to shrug off doing their jobs. Business owners in the area say that they have been threatened by illegal aliens and gangs in the area if they call the police for trespassing violations as some have done in the past.

Joe Loya
Joe Loya
Raymond Herrera and Jim Gilchrist
Raymond Herrera and James Gilchrist

Jim Gilchrist
James Gilchrist and Joe Loya took to the bullhorn and made rousing speeches against illegal immigration, to secure our borders and to free Ramos and Compean. The Senate seems to not understand the absolute anger of the American people at their lack of action against illegal immigration and the absolute railroading of our Border Patrol agents. These are everyday Americans who have taken time out of their schedules to get off their butts and head out onto the streets. Nobody is being paid to do this, it is their love of America that drives them. When will you get up as well and join in?


The absolute hypocrisy of the illegal aliens and their supporters is very telling. They don't care about Americans or America. Above on the left is an "ACLU observer" who sneakily moved around the crowds trying to hide a camera he is holding just above his sign. The only hatred being shown was by the illegal aliens and their supporters though, as can be witnessed by the always present hateful middle fingers that occur from their side at these events.

Save Our State Capistrano Beach Rally

There was one unfortunate assault at the event. This is from Save Our State patriot Foothillpages.com

We also had somebody throw eggs at our group from a moving car. Diana and I were standing next to Joe Loya when Diana was hit with an egg. ... Most of the egg just bounced off her leg and landed behind us, but it was frustrating not to be able to feed it back to the cowards who couldn't stop and face us like men. The Universe will have to deal with them I guess.

The police refused to take a report on the incident.

From Save Our State member StandingAlone

Di was outstanding in her bravery in the face of the egg throwing attack. She lifted her pant leg to show us a developing bruise.

The police officers were not doing their job today, they did not ask the LOITERING [day laborers] to leave and they would not take an official report of the assault on Di.

You won't see that from the patriots though because they are in the right and simply have to call for our laws to be enforced. Not once has one of these rallies involved an assault made by anyone on the patriots side, but time and time again the illegal aliens assault people and get away with it.

minutemen-capistrano-rally-1.jpg minutemen-capistrano-rally-2.jpg

The Campo Minutewoman on the above left organized a raffle in support of Ramos and Compean. The lucky guy on the right won the grand prize. In just 2 hours $850 was raised for the families of Ramos and Compean. The money will be delivered directly by Joe Loya.

Save Our State Capistrano Beach Rally

It was another successful rally that shows that everyday Americans are taking to the streets and demanding that their government take action.

You can see more of this event, including first hand experiences, more pictures and videos at the Save Our State entry

Thanks to SOSers AmericanPatriot77, Small and Mighty, StandingAlone, michaelsavage4prez, Foothillpages.com, Rockerman who organized the event and spread the word and anyone else at Save Our State who I failed to acknowledge for contributing to this report. Fairbear of the Minuteman Project for organizing their side of it. Also thanks to Robin of the Minuteman Project for providing additional pictures and information on the rally.

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Posted by Digger on May 25, 2007 04:00 AM (Permalink)

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When even National Review says Ramos and Compean were criminals, you got a problem:

National Review

Posted by: anon on May 28, 2007 08:08 AM

do you realize that the members of minuteman and all that trash are people who does not have enough education, they all think that ilegals are taking their jobs, To all if you have a better job or better education you the will realize that you dont need to be in that bullshit good luck you all idiots

Posted by: carlos on February 5, 2008 02:01 PM

[This comment has been removed due to a jackbooted court order from the Gilchrist camp

Which states the following

A permanent injunction shall issue, ordering defendants Courtney, Stewart and Sielski to refrain from holding themselves out to anyone as members of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of its board of directors. This injunction requires the taking down of any web site, including but not limited to www.minutemanprojectinc.com. wherein defendants hold themselves out to be members, managers or spokespersons of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of the board of directors of Minute Man Project Inc.

It's good to know that a judge somewhere can take down AN ENTIRE website that a comment has been posted to by someone else. - Digger]

Posted by: MinutemenForTruth on August 4, 2008 09:48 AM

[This comment has been removed due to a jackbooted court order from the Gilchrist camp

Which states the following

A permanent injunction shall issue, ordering defendants Courtney, Stewart and Sielski to refrain from holding themselves out to anyone as members of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of its board of directors. This injunction requires the taking down of any web site, including but not limited to www.minutemanprojectinc.com. wherein defendants hold themselves out to be members, managers or spokespersons of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of the board of directors of Minute Man Project Inc.

It's good to know that a judge somewhere can take down AN ENTIRE website that a comment has been posted to by someone else. - Digger]

Posted by: MinutemenForTruth on August 4, 2008 09:49 AM

By now I guess everyone has discovered that Deborah Courtney is a liar and an oppertunist. Even Marvin Stewart stated under oath that he doesn't believe anything she says. By my count, this is the sixth time she tried to take over an organization and sack its bank accounts.

Now I hear she will be attending the 4th of July party at Patriot point with her idiot boyfriend, Paul Shitski. I sure hope so; I can't wait to see him arrested for his outstanding warrants. Patriots won't protect a wife beating, child abusing, dead beat dad.

Posted by: Jack Sharpe on June 9, 2009 02:36 PM

Funny how NOW digger is anti- Jim Gilchrist and MMP NOW. He's just following around like another one of Crazy Chelene Nightengoul's lapdogs. NIghtengoul is running for Calif governor 2010...LMAO LMAO TWICE !!!

Posted by: notdingbat on September 11, 2009 06:09 PM

UPDATE: August 2009....

Jim Gilchrist is preparing for victory in O.C. Superior Court.

Jim Gilchrist is preparing for victory in the Orange County Superior Court. The hostile agents that infiltrated his Minuteman Project are being rousted in the court and the process of ridding the organization of these hostiles is almost complete.

In March 2007, the court clearly recognized the hostiles for what they were and prohibited them from collecting monies in the name of Minuteman Project and prohibited them from using Minuteman Project stationary. Although the legal process has been a battle, nearly two and one-half years of non-stop court action with the various players in the attempted coup de tat, wins are piling up for Gilchrist.

Gilchrist upon news of the courts latest action said "we still have a few loose ends we must attend to. As Patriots, who love our country and respect our legal system, we must prosecute these cases and any like them to their fullest. Criminal charges with the District Attorney may follow for the hostiles."

In addition to the court victories to date, the IRS recognized Jim Gilchrist as the Founder and President of the Minuteman Project, Inc. earlier this year and gave MMP their final approval of non-profit 501 (c) 4 status. Likewise, Jim Gilchrist's Minuteman Project, Inc. (JGMMP) has been afforded the same non-profit status.

Additionally, the Trademark and Patent Office recognized Gilchrist as President and Founder of Minuteman Project and granted the registration of the trademark/patent and the protected, exclusive-use of the name: Minuteman Project.

Stephen Eichler, Executive Director of the Minuteman Project, Inc. stated "it is time to move on and leave the disruptive elements behind." JGMP is planning to meet with Governor Perry of Texas, engage in an East Coast speaking tour including a stop at Harvard University, a speaking engagement at the University of Nevada and attending events in Oklahoma. He adds "we are seeing a substantial increase of groups wanting to be MMP Chapters, not to mention our growing relationship with Tea Party organizations."

Minuteman Project is actively engaged in the movement is leaving the court proceedings to our attorneys and looks forward to both educating Americans and defeating any proposed amnesty legislation of the congress in 2010.

Posted by: minutemen4REALtruth on September 12, 2009 12:22 PM

This is still going on? Glad I moved on to covert freedom fighting. James Gilchrist alone founded MMP so I believe it is his, good or bad and these others are just carpet baggers. Greedy to take another mans baby. In the end God will sort it all out but the damage to America is done. Meanwhile Patriots work for We The People, citizens, not foreigners who cut in line and come to this country to rape the land, pillaging the benefits and income of the middle class and poor of American.

Posted by: James Chase on November 11, 2009 08:57 PM

Well, turns out the Chelene Nightingale for Governor
campaign has breached a serious no no....in their frantic and narcisstic venture into politics they forgot one important rule...YOU CANNOT implement VOTER FRAUD...for the good of "your" cause! This is not some high school "elect joe" for class president adventure. No dear people...you have been caught trying to elicit votes in the most spurious contemptable ways. There was a website (since taken down) but, not before being saved and copied and printed...anywho this site was actually telling would be AIP voters for chelene...how to register AIP to vote in the their primary..and THEN how to change back to your "own" party to vote in the election!!! Say what??? tsk tsk...This is blatant fraud ala (acorn, rememba them?) and is punishable by a fine and up to 5 years in prison.
Its the height of unethical practice...and I have read that copies of the offending website will be printed soon for all to see...as well as the AIP chairman. Well now kids...if this doesn't beat the band....well, this "win at any costs" game....just blew a gasket... Don't run with the big boys unless you are wearing your "big boy" pants....

Posted by: ros on January 22, 2010 05:06 PM

Why is anyone wasting time writing about this Non-person, Chelene Nightingale? She is a nobody...and a strange one at that. I heard a radio interview on some obscure radio blog show...and she sounded nuttier than a fruitcake. "I am a individualist" she proclaimed...when asked about healthcare she starts some rant about Holistic medicine..and people need to not go to doctors. her whole persona seems to be that she once was in a hate group SOS and would go after illegals! Flush it!! She's a joke candidate. I would vote for zsa zsa'a husband before even EVER considering this flake.

Posted by: Richard Deckert on February 19, 2010 04:19 PM

Its funny you bring up the hypocrisy of this candidate. How dare she speak about our schools WHEN HER OWN KID DOES NOT ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. She home schools. She has not a clue about the realities of the world because she cocoons herself with goonies that just nod their empty heads in agreement. Whack -a doodle!!! Total fringe extremist......

Posted by: susan Thomas on February 21, 2010 03:08 PM

I used to know her chelene Nightingale but she did some stuff that was NOT OKAY!! nOW SHE PRETENDS TO
want CALGUNS TO ENDORSE HER..which we won't because she is not qualified to be a governor. Why doesn't she just get a real job instead of this fakery....

Posted by: jimbo on April 10, 2010 07:13 PM

Just read the article about Chelene Nightingale's filing for bankruptcy last year. Geesh why would someone with that bankground run for State Government?? and Gov to boot!!! How will they explain away this filing? Don't these parties vet their candidates?

Posted by: Jimbo on April 24, 2010 03:16 PM

Why on a candidate for governor page where it asked for Educational backgrounfd of candidate..does Chelene Nightingales background the exact same as her campaign manager? School in Damneck VA? Really....wow perjury and all...good job nightingale...lie to the voters more...

Posted by: jimbo on May 6, 2010 04:13 PM

Loser lost. Fake con artist. We will be watching your next fake out. lol You won't be able to fool the people again. :)

Posted by: loser on November 9, 2010 04:14 PM

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