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Arizona Sends Feds Bill For $118 Million To Cover Illegal Aliens Jail Costs

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President Bush proposed eliminating federal funding for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. This program is to reimburse states for their imprisonment of illegal aliens. This is a ridiculous proposal because states are forced by the federal government to house these illegal aliens and their hands are tied by federal laws in regards to defending themselves from the onslaught of illegal aliens that the federal government refuses to do anything about.

So the states -- and their taxpayers -- are supposed to pay for the failure of the federal government to close off our borders from illegal aliens.

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano shows her disdain for this proposal by sending a bill to the feds. Arizona is one of the leading entry points for illegal aliens from central America and Mexico and would be hardest hit by the elimination of the program.

San Diego Union-Tribune

Gov. Janet Napolitano announced Tuesday that she has billed the federal government for nearly $118 million in unreimbursed costs for imprisoning illegal immigrants who committed crimes in Arizona.

If the federal government doesn't pay, it should take custody of some 3,600 immigrant criminals now in state prisons, Napolitano said in a letter sent last week to U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Napolitano released the letter – and copies of two invoices sent with it – one day after President Bush proposed eliminating funding for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. The program is supposed to reimburse state and local jurisdictions for costs involved in incarcerating immigrants convicted of a crime.

So not only are states supposed to pay for these illegal aliens who are receiving benefits because the federal government won't keep them out, but now they're supposed to pay for them if they are caught.

Tipped by: Lonewacko

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Posted by Digger on February 10, 2005 01:33 AM (Permalink)

» The Tar Pit linked with Napolitano sues for illegal alien funds

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Napolitano was an outspoken opponent of Prop 200.

Which makes her a little bit of a hypocrite.

Posted by: eh on February 11, 2005 07:54 AM

Oh, no doubt about it eh. I realize she was against prop 200, I even did a couple posts on her (you can do a search on her name in the left navbar search box). I had to give her a little coverage for being bold enough to do it though. She didn't have to.

Posted by: Digger on February 11, 2005 12:05 PM

As an african American I am really pissed with how the hispanics come to America and act like we owe them something.They move into our communities and cause all kinds of trouble.I don't understand why we have to support them on a state level,school,housing,jobs,and anything else they seem to want.I say it's time for us to look out for americans first.I say that it's time to start cleansing this country and give our fellow countrymen back their jobs and their rights to send them back home.I am sick of these people. Charles Horton

Posted by: charles horton on March 25, 2006 01:13 PM

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