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North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx Joins Illegal Alien Drivers License Fight

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Virginia Foxx, a first term Congresswoman from North Carolina, has joined the fight against illegal aliens getting drivers licenses.

Lincoln Tribune

We have a serious problem here in North Carolina – a problem that can have serious ramifications on our national security.

According to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, we live in one of 10 states that permits anyone to receive state issued driver’s licenses or identification cards without providing proof of their legal status.

While this may at first seem insignificant, you may recall that each of the terrorists who hijacked the airplanes on Sept. 11, 2001 held valid driver’s licenses or identification cards. Those little pieces of plastic granted a false sense of legitimacy and helped the terrorists breeze right through security.

You would think that we would have learned our lesson.

Unfortunately, North Carolina has not taken all of the necessary steps to secure the safety of its citizens. Nearly two years after the 9/11 attacks, a top DMV official criticized some of his employees for being "too aggressive" with immigrants who presented suspicious credentials while applying for a license.

This is precisely one of the reasons why I joined House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) last week as an original co-sponsor of H.R. 418, also known as the “Real I.D. Act.” This legislation would require that federal agencies only accept driver’s licenses and state issued identification cards from states that prove the legal status of applicants. The bill will also require states to review the legality of existing license holders upon renewal or replacement.

Welcome to the club Representative Foxx!

Tipped by: Lonewacko

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Posted by Digger on February 2, 2005 08:53 AM (Permalink)

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Thanks for working against illegel aliens having drivers license. Most can not read English. How can they read directions. Also, what about insurance. I have a friend who's wife is crippled for life by druken illegel alien with no insurance. Also, I want you to check into this new drug plan for medicare. It is my understanding that we will have several plans to choose from BUT all drugs may not be available on each plan. What do we do if we have several drugs but no one plan to cover them? Pick the one that covers the most expensive and pay out of pocket the rest??? Thank you for your help

Posted by: Evelyn Lowe on August 25, 2005 02:40 PM

Ref Illegal Immigration/North Carolina

I personally know somebody who works for a company, in Mount Olive NC, called "Carolina Turkey." It is a poultry plant. The person I know, is an illegal immigrant from Mexico. (San Luis Potossi)She and countless others live & reside there. On a phone call just last month, she told me that she was getting paid $10.50 an hr and that she was a shift supervisor there at the plant. She told me that her dad paid the co $200 to have illegal papers drawn up, where she got a fake SS card and a new identity. She said the company gives her medical benefits and so on. She also told me that the majority of the people that work at the plant, are also illegal. She says she lives in an RV park, where up to 7 family members are sharing a very tiny 2 room RV. She says the company does not take out for taxes, because in doing so they will get in trouble. How do I know her? She used to be my mother's maid down in Laredo. Back then she only able to come into the states on a visa. When her visa expired, she stayed anyway. She moved to NC because her dad asked that she join him along with her brothers & younger sister. She has been there since 2000. Her dad hired some people from Florida, to come down and get her. They smuggled her on the floorboards of the van they were riding in, to make it across the county line undetected. This she told me herself. I know you all are probably thinking this sounds like a wild story, but it is not. With all the stuff going on lately about immigration & all, I just thought I would tell you my story. People like her, are getting tax free pay and sooner or later they will be able to qualify for SS benefits and other govt assistance, like some do now here in Texas. This is just not fair! Open your eyes America! I don't know who else to contact about this. I don't think it is fair that this company is getting away with hiring illegals.

Posted by: SOSMAH on August 13, 2007 01:34 PM

That is wrong what Americans are doing everyone has a right why is it easy for them to get to other countries and have right there
I regret to inform this is not right
I am a 16 year old kid
and even I think this is not right
because of this I cannot go to college
and cannot find a job I'm going to end up in the streets all because of this drama of American wrongly accusing immigrants. They are from different parts of the world not every one have the same intention why don we have to suffer

Posted by: Ron on June 2, 2010 01:49 AM

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